Methological Research on measuring Achievement Motivation for Sportsman 인문 · 사회과학편 : Sportsman을 위한 성취동기(成就動機) 측정법(測定法)의 개발(開發)
18(0) 5-29, 1979
Methological Research on measuring Achievement Motivation for Sportsman 인문 · 사회과학편 : Sportsman을 위한 성취동기(成就動機) 측정법(測定法)의 개발(開發)
1. Abstract.
Methlogical approaches in the area of Motivation Research has been carried out in various aspects, and many recant researchers are focusing their concernments upon the Achievement Motivation, but their approaches seem to be tact of positive objectivity for the Achievement Motivation in methological viewpoint.
That means the academic development in measuring Achievement Motivation has not been satisfactory.
In that sense, this paper laid its main objective on the actual realization of sportsman’s dorment potential, concerning the Achievement Motivation, by setting up and analyzing TAT-Style graphs using McClelland Method.
2. Introduction.
This paper is composed of two main parts. First part is developed with overall discussion on the conceptions and the theses of some case studies (documentations) with following items:
1. conceptional and definitional comparision of Motivation
2. discussion on social Motivation
3. systematical analysis in Achievement Motivation.
By pointing out general problems in the Motivation, especially in the Achievement Motivation of sportsman, the objective of this paper Shall be conducively understood. Second part is described in details, by composing analyzing a new set of TAT-style graphs, to suggest a more efficient development of Methological Approach in sportsman’s Achievement Motivation.
In McClelland Approach, four cuts of analytic graphs have been suggested, but, in this paper, four more cuts are provided to show various phenomina concerning the Reaction Recall conditions and these are;
1. Sports scene
1) cut of game processing
2) cut of operations time during the game
3) cut of cheering group.
2. Outdoor scene
3. mechanical operations scene
4. Scientific research scene
5. persuasive lecture scene
6. Activated art scene
Mother population was selected from two groups of university students. One is the group of 42 players in 3 Kinds and the other is the group of 15 nun-players. There was not specific difference between players group and non-players group in the analysis of McClelland Method, but in the overall analysis it was proved that non-players group takes some aimrless prejudice for extreme situations in sports or simple self-satin-frictions through sports, that is, for unscientic supposition. On the other hand, players group showed its persevering intention of active motivations for fulfilling aims, in other words, for Achievement Motivations.
Comparing with that of non-players group, moreover, palavers group showed its degree of concernment on games with still much higher evaluation. In this point of view, experience itself differs from the perception or the supposition of reality.
A side from McClelland Approach, this paper puts its most important factor on the valueevaluation and the life-value estimation of sportsman individuals, which are, after all, the most helpful methological elements in analyzing the Achievement Motivation of Sportsman
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The Effect of Personality and Fundamental Interpersonal Relation Orientation -Behavior on the Physical Davelopment and Physical Fitness.- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 인성(人性) 및 기초인간관계(基礎人間關係) 정위행동(定位行動)(F.I.R.O-B)이 체격(體格)과 체력(體力)에 미치는 영향(影響) -남자(男子) 중학생(中學生)을 중심(中心)으로-
金碩鎭SukChinKim , 崔南信NamSinChoi
18(0) 31-39, 1979
The Effect of Personality and Fundamental Interpersonal Relation Orientation -Behavior on the Physical Davelopment and Physical Fitness.- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 인성(人性) 및 기초인간관계(基礎人間關係) 정위행동(定位行動)(F.I.R.O-B)이 체격(體格)과 체력(體力)에 미치는 영향(影響) -남자(男子) 중학생(中學生)을 중심(中心)으로-
金碩鎭SukChinKim , 崔南信NamSinChoi
This study Performed to attain some useful data for physical education class by comparing physical developments and physical fitness with personality and fundamental Interpersonal Relation Orientation Behavior of middle school boys.
Results of the study can be summarized as conclusions with following persentions.
1. Impulsiveness in personality factors showed 36.19%
2. Dominance and Sociability showed no significant indicantion.
3. Those who were relatively big in body size, in general, showed objectivity.
4. Corelation between height, weight, and physical fitness and personality showed a highly significant.
5. Objectivity group showed high scores in physical fitness test and relatively big in body size.
6. General activity groups were in high rank in physical fitness test.
7. The affection behavior turned out more positive than others.
8. Positive group was physically better developed in wanted inclusion behavior.
9. Negative group in expressed control behavior was in higher rank in physical fitness test.
10. Generally speacking, positive group was higher in rank than negative one.
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THE SOCIAL FUNCTION AND FORMS OF KOREAN SHAMAN DANCES 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국(韓國) 무속(巫俗) 무용(舞踊)의 태(態)와 사회적(社會的) 기능(機能) -서울지방(地方)의 굿을 중심(中心)으로-
18(0) 41-49, 1979
THE SOCIAL FUNCTION AND FORMS OF KOREAN SHAMAN DANCES 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국(韓國) 무속(巫俗) 무용(舞踊)의 태(態)와 사회적(社會的) 기능(機能) -서울지방(地方)의 굿을 중심(中心)으로-
The social belief custom of Shaman is a local customary religion which is like a kined of traditional religion of folklore. So that, though we have a lot of cultural inheritance of its, we have many difficult problems in the succession to its traditions for lack of study on it.
On this; in this study, the purpose of the study is that I intend to make them contribute to the creation of dance and help develop folk dances and give a meaning of them, studying on Jaesoo-Gud(재수굿), Chinogwi-Gud(진오귀굿), Chincheok-Gud(진적굿) done in Seoul area in these days.
In the 2nd chapter, I divided many kinds of Shaman dance into classes, gave the names to them and investigated their situation, that is, Sangryang dance(商量舞), Sangryang turning dance(商量回轉舞), Yongdong dance(聳動舞), Yongdong turning dance(聳動回轉舞), Dodum dance(돋움무), Shaman’s tool dance(巫具舞), and next, according to shaman dances I observed and arranged their musical instruments, beat of their tune, shaman clothes and shaman tools.
In the 3rd chapter, I studied the social function of them from the standpoint of cultural anthropology with the data and books investigated, and I found the social function of shaman dance had 1) Artistic function 2) Psychological function 3) Religious function 4) Recreational function.
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The research on the actual condition and the valuation of the leisure time activity in industrial corperation workers. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 공단근로자(工團勤勞者)의 여가활동실태(餘暇活動實態) 및 가치관(價値觀)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) -한국수출산업공단(韓國輸出産業公團) 남여근로자(南女勤勞者)를 중심(中心)으로-
鄭義權EuiKwunChung , 沈且基ChaKiShim
18(0) 51-63, 1979
The research on the actual condition and the valuation of the leisure time activity in industrial corperation workers. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 공단근로자(工團勤勞者)의 여가활동실태(餘暇活動實態) 및 가치관(價値觀)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) -한국수출산업공단(韓國輸出産業公團) 남여근로자(南女勤勞者)를 중심(中心)으로-
鄭義權EuiKwunChung , 沈且基ChaKiShim
1. Purpose
This study prasped and analysed on the actual condition of the leisure time and the leisure time activity in industrial corporation workers.
Upon this, this study set up a purpose at the emotion culture and the whole personality curlture in individual life, net to speak of an upright leisure activity life.
2. Method
This study sampled at random the six hundred workers (men 300, woman 300) of the Korea export industrial corporation in Ku-Ro industrial corporation area, the six Companies out of the total six industrial corderation area, one by one company out of the one industrialcorperation area, them, its researched and analysed their consultation on the actual condition, how, valuation of the leisure time activity in conformity with questionnaire method.
3. Result
1) It is represented that their pure leisure time are about 6-7 hours a weak day on the average, and about 8-9 hours a holiday on the average.
2) It is represented that the contents of their leisure activity are meaninggless, unproductive, and the conception of their true leisure time are insufficient.
3) It is represented that the conception of their leisure time have recognized of only an econ omicburden, and part of all workers are desirous of leisure time activity.
4) It is represented that the leisure equipments in their job are very insufficient, and the sufficient leisure equipment and the sufficient emotion culture for workers must improve still more.
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-The study of kinesthetic sense between the students who specialize physical and un-specialize in college- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)와 체육전공학생(體育專攻學生) 및 일반대학생(一般大學生)의 위치감각(位置感覺)에 관(關)한 비교연구(比較硏究)
鄭瑜世YouSaeChung , 李弼根PhilGeunLee
18(0) 65-73, 1979
-The study of kinesthetic sense between the students who specialize physical and un-specialize in college- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)와 체육전공학생(體育專攻學生) 및 일반대학생(一般大學生)의 위치감각(位置感覺)에 관(關)한 비교연구(比較硏究)
鄭瑜世YouSaeChung , 李弼根PhilGeunLee
“Kinestic,” is an very important element fur acting accurately in sports that is required physical movement, and the reporter has studied the difference of kinesthetic sense between the students who specialize physical education, the students who do not specialize physical education and the students of special players for the games, by the stratified random sampling, from "D" University, 17 soccer players, 13 base ball players, 13 basket ball players, 32 students who specialize physical education and 48 students who do not specialize physical education were studied for 3 sorts of kinesthetic sense in 90˚, 135˚ and 45˚ by measuring, analyzing, comparing. The followings are the brief reports.
1. The result of mean difference in left and right.
Soccer team: Left arm showed MD 5.4㎝ in horizontal abduction 90˚.
Base ball team: Left arm skewed MD 4.3㎝ in flexion 45˚ and right arm showed MD 7.5㎝ in horizontal that was superior by (p<0.05).
In general students, left arm showed MD 3.6㎝ in flexion 135˚ that was excellently superior. In the students who specialize physical education left arm showed MD 4.3㎝ in flexion 90˚ (p<0.001) that was apparently superior.
2. The result of movements with comparison between groups.
Basket ball team was superior by MD 4.7㎝, 2.7㎝ in flexion left arm 90" to each students group who specialize physical education and who do not specialize it, and for left arm, in 90˚ and 45˚ showed MD 2.7㎝, 4.5㎝ in horizontal abduction to the general students, for right arm in 90˚ showed 6.9㎝ in horizontal abduction to soccer team by (p<0.05). Baseball team: Left arm showed MD 4. 4㎝ in flexion 90˚ superior to the students who specialize physical education, showed MD 4.5㎝ for left arm in horizontal abduction 90˚superior to the students who specialize physical education, for 7he left arm was superior by 5.4㎝ in horizontal abduction to the general students. In 135˚ by MD 6.1㎝, 6.4㎝ and 8.3㎝ to base ball team, physical education student and general students.
For right arm, in 45˚ by MD 5.5㎝ to general students by (p<0.05).
The students who specialize showed superior MD 3.4㎝ in flexion right arm 135˚ to the general students by (p<0.05), also superior MD 2.4㎝ in 90˚ MD 6.9㎝ in horizontal abduction right 135˚ to the general students and soccer team by (p<0.01).
3. That superior kinesthetic fence of arms is directly related to the sports in which requires arms` movement by the order of base ball, basketball and physical education, it is studied in this study.
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The Survey of Physical Education during the Erarly Period of Renaissance in Italy -The Viewpoints and Roles of Humanists- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 르네상스 초기(初期)의 체육(體育)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察) -이탈리아 인문주의자(人文主義者)들의 체육사상(體育思想)과 체육활동(體育活動)을 중심(中心)으로 -
18(0) 75-82, 1979
The Survey of Physical Education during the Erarly Period of Renaissance in Italy -The Viewpoints and Roles of Humanists- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 르네상스 초기(初期)의 체육(體育)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察) -이탈리아 인문주의자(人文主義者)들의 체육사상(體育思想)과 체육활동(體育活動)을 중심(中心)으로 -
The review of the literature available has been made to overview the nature and characteristics of physical education during the early period of Renaissance in Italy. Particularly, the emphasis has been placed on searching the historical backgrounds the Renaissance, roles and contributions of the humanists, and their philosophical points of views regarding the physical education during these days.
Some of the characteristics may be summarized as follows:
1. The Italian peninsula has lots of worthy historic remains. Sufficient wealth and leisure existed in its cities. Moreover, many Greek scholars sought refuge in Italy after Constantinople fell to the Turks. Also a restoration of Latin has been made and clsasical studies has been emphasized. Those movements mentioned above world help to the development of Renaissance in Italy. Thus, Italy was the nusery of the humunistic movement.
2. The early period of Rennaissance, V.Feltre, P.P. Vergerius, and A.S. Piccolomiri were the leading humanists who emphasized the importance of physical education. Particularly, they proclaimed that Physical education was an integral part of the whole education. The sought the harmonius development of all aspects of man in contrast to the ideology of Christian in the middle ages.
3. In early priods in Renaissance, Cortegiano was evaluated as a highly respected positions and honor among the public. The physical activities have been offered only for the sans of wealthy merchants Jhus, the wealthy upper clase people believed that one be weel trained in the areas of literaterature, art, and physical education in order to seek the harmonious development of the whole personality. Also, they were concerned with their own personal prestige. Therefore, physical education were one of the popular activities for daisy life because people believed that they could increase their fame and prestige through the performance of physical and play activities.
In summary, the humanists in Italy played leading role to initiate and introduce the some of the current concepts of physical education.
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Practical Issues in the Philosophy of Safety and Safety Education
Kim Dae Sik
18(0) 83-88, 1979
Practical Issues in the Philosophy of Safety and Safety Education
Kim Dae Sik
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The Kinesiological Analysis about Take-off of Long Jump -The centering around with winning a prize athletes in the fifty-ninth national athletic meeting- 자연과학편 : 넓이뛰기의 조약(跳躍)에 관(關)한 기동학적(機動學的) 분석(分析) -제59회 전국체육대회 입상 선수를 중심으로-
金相九SangKuKim , 申性休SeongHyooShin
18(0) 91-101, 1979
The Kinesiological Analysis about Take-off of Long Jump -The centering around with winning a prize athletes in the fifty-ninth national athletic meeting- 자연과학편 : 넓이뛰기의 조약(跳躍)에 관(關)한 기동학적(機動學的) 분석(分析) -제59회 전국체육대회 입상 선수를 중심으로-
金相九SangKuKim , 申性休SeongHyooShin
I seek after the important factors for devising of records progress of long jump, so I make the object of study the best players in our county(high school, adult) go to the finals of long jump in fifty-ninth national athletic meeting, I recorded their practical talent(in game order to of each players) in film and then enlarged them so as to analyse. By doing so, I could get the following conclusions.
1. The average of time of take-off at take-off board was 0.126∼0.14 sec for both high school and adult.
2. The places foot on the take-off beard from take-off board(distance from the edge of take-off board take-off foot) is generally 6∼18 centimeter for high school and 6∼20 centimeter for adult. Thus adult is rather no accuracy tread on take-off board at take-off foot for high school.
3. The height of center of gravity at the instant take-off is 1.06∼1.1 meter for high school, 1.07∼1.13 meter for adult. Thus adultis rather heigh as 3 centimeter of the upper limit for high school, but both team is generally about 1.08 meter, so it is lower than Sowya’s report (1.1 meter) by about 2 centimeter.
4. The body position at the instant take-off is 23 centimeter for high school, and 19 centimeter for adult. It’s lower than high school by 4 centimeter, so compared with Sowya’s report(40 centimeter), high school is deeply lost by 17 centimeter and adult is deeply 21centimeter.
5. The average of initial velocity is 7.56∼8.71m/sec for high school, and 8∼8.85 m/sec for adult, which is short of agility and power.
6. The average of projection angle (the take-off angle) is generally 15˚50"∼25˚30" for high school, and 18˚30"∼25˚50" for adult. Whenever they do practical talent(in game order of each player), projection angle is not unify and there is no stability because of the wide range and it fall behind in 30˚ of perfection projection angle.
The above results indicate that every player have common defects, namely, the average of high school is lost by 1.38 meter and adult is lost 0.99 meter. If they practice to correct figure by rational and scientic training in ordinary practice process of so as to rectify those, their records will be able to improve.
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A Study on skeletal Development of Athletes. -Chiefly in the Tibia and Fibula- 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手) 뼈대 발달(發達)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(경골(脛骨)과 비골(腓骨)을 중심(中心)으로)
蔡鴻遠HongEwonChai , 林明燮MyungSupLim , 洪進杓JinPyoHong
18(0) 103-114, 1979
A Study on skeletal Development of Athletes. -Chiefly in the Tibia and Fibula- 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手) 뼈대 발달(發達)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(경골(脛骨)과 비골(腓骨)을 중심(中心)으로)
蔡鴻遠HongEwonChai , 林明燮MyungSupLim , 洪進杓JinPyoHong
The main purpose of this study was to compare the skeletal developments of athletic and nonathletic subjects. skeletal developments of athletic and nonathlet icsubjects. t test was used for the analysis of data from roentgen graphic and cross sectional method.
The following main results were found from this study:
1. The completion of ossification was more significant for the experimental group, Athletic subjects, than for the control group, Athletic subjects, than for the control group, nonathletic group.
2. The completion of medial tibia and medial fibula was more significant for the experimental group, athletic subjects, Than for the control group, nonathletic group.
The width of medial tibia shaft and medial fibula shaft were more increased by +0.33cm and +0.44m respectively for the experimental group.
3. The Completion of medial tibia cortex and medial fibula cortex was more significant (or the experimental group, athletic subjects, than for the control group, nonathletic group.
The tikness of medial tibia cortex and medial fibula cortex were increased by +0.15cm and +0.25cm respectirely for the experimental group.
4. The ratios of tibial shaft, 1.38, 0.07, 0.91, for the experimental group were similar to those of fibula, 1.39, 0.70, 0.91, for the control group.
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An Analysis of Urine and Blood Chemistry during Exercise 자연과학편 : 운동시(運動時) 뇨(尿) 및 혈액성분(血液成分)의 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
金鐘勳JongHunKim , 朴晶來JungLaePark
18(0) 115-122, 1979
An Analysis of Urine and Blood Chemistry during Exercise 자연과학편 : 운동시(運動時) 뇨(尿) 및 혈액성분(血液成分)의 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
金鐘勳JongHunKim , 朴晶來JungLaePark
Everyone is eager to prevent sports injury and to relieve his fatigue by means of the maintenance and improvement of his health, the mental and physical safety, and the regular health life,
In this consideration of the study I tried to find the physical change in the stability by way af pre-test and in the physical load given.
1. Fasting sugar showed a slight decrease. All the examinees showed a slighter decrease after exercises than stability,
2. The change of uric acid showed 3.1㎎/㎗ on an everage, But after exercises it increased 4.3㎎/㎗.
3. I found little difference in the change of creatinine before and after exercises.
4. In stability total protein skewed a high value of 7.4㎎/㎗. and after exercises it showed a slight decreased value of 7.2㎎/㎗
5. albumin showed a slight decreased value also after exercises.
6. The change of total cholesterol showed 154㎎/㎗ in stability, and after exercises it showed 144㎎/㎗, which was the greatest change, f think.
7. Urinc color was the normal state color straw and Ember, and specific gravity increased more after exercises than in stability. The change of bilirubin showed negative in all the examinees after exercises.
8. The change of urine protein showed trace in two examinees after exercises. It showed less difference in increase or decrease on the girl students of physical education than on thous of the general courses of college. I regard this as the girl students of physical education can get to have effective adaptation to their physical load, which adaptation maybe created by frequent physical change caused by everyday regular exercises.
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A study on the Influence of Weight Control in Physical Fitness upon Boxers. 자연과학편 : Boxing선수(選手)의 체중조절(體重調節)이 체력(體力)의 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향(影響) -고등학교(高等學校) Boxing선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로 -
18(0) 123-128, 1979
A study on the Influence of Weight Control in Physical Fitness upon Boxers. 자연과학편 : Boxing선수(選手)의 체중조절(體重調節)이 체력(體力)의 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향(影響) -고등학교(高等學校) Boxing선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로 -
The purpose of this study is to find out a weight control criteria corresponding to physical fitness factors and levels achievement.
The subjects are twenty two Boxers of Seoul Athletics high school.
The methods are compared the physical fitness after measurement the physical fitness of normal weight and that of weight reducing at the rate of 1/25, 1/20, 1/15, 1/12 respectively.
The results of this study have been concluded as follows;
1) Physical fitness declines in proportion to the quantity of weight reduction in the whole physical fitness factors.
2) A remarkable physical fitness change doesn’t occur when one-twenty-fifth normal weight is reduced.
3) A phenomenal physical fitness change took place in the upper-arm’s muscle endurance in case one-twentieth reduction of normal weight is made. If, therefore, one has a hard-training to develop one’s upper-arm’s muscle endurance, one’s physical fitness can’t be effected even when one-twentieth of normal weight reduced.
4) One-fifteenth reduction of normal weight brings about the decline in the physical fitness exept the flexibility and agility. According above one-fifteenth reduction of normal weight is not encouraged as it causes the decline in the physical fitness.
5) One-twelfth reduction of normal weight brings about the drop in the whole physical fitness factors exept flexibility.
6) According as weight drops, factors that remarkably cause the decline in the physical fitness is that upper-arm’s muscle endurance, comes next to balance, and to abnormal muscle endurance, This is to mean that comparatively muscle endurance brings about the most phenomenal decline in the physical fitness.
7) Flexibility can’t come under the influence of weight change.
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The Effect of Weight Lifting Training upon Enduring Muscular Contraction Speed -focused on shoulder joint muscle- 자연과학편 : Weight Lifting의 효과(效果)가 근(筋) 수축속도(收縮速度)에 미치는 영향(影響) -(Ⅱ)-편관절(扁關節)의 근군(筋群)을 중심(中心)으로 -
曺根鐘KunChongCho , 玄友泳WooYoungHyun
18(0) 129-134, 1979
The Effect of Weight Lifting Training upon Enduring Muscular Contraction Speed -focused on shoulder joint muscle- 자연과학편 : Weight Lifting의 효과(效果)가 근(筋) 수축속도(收縮速度)에 미치는 영향(影響) -(Ⅱ)-편관절(扁關節)의 근군(筋群)을 중심(中心)으로 -
曺根鐘KunChongCho , 玄友泳WooYoungHyun
The aims of this study is to find how the weight lifting training effects upon enduring muscular contraction speed.
With 65 Sample; 20 general study, 17 physical education major, 10 volley ball player, 10 judo player, 10 weight lifter from Hanyang University student,20-26 years of, age, To measure the speed of arm circumduction in 60 Seconds. With Rotational arm Motion speed Analyzer of each resistant weight; 0g. 300g, 800, 1300g, The results are as follows;
1. Arm circumduction speed in 0g resistant weight was; weight lifter 32.9/RPM, Judo 37.8, Volley ball 29.9, physical Education mojor 24.0, General study 20.5,
2. Resistant weight 300g speed of Arm Circumduction was; Weight lifter 30.1, Jude 27.9, Volleyball 26.9 physical Education major 24.0 General study, 20.5,
3. Resistant weight 809g speed of arm Circumduction was; Weight lifer 29.4, Judo 24.6, Volleyball 23.0, physical Education major 16.6, General study 12.9,
4. Resistant weight 1300g speed of arm circumduction was; Weight lifter 18.4, Judo 16.8, Volley ball 14.9, Physical Education mojor 11.6, General Study 8.5.
For the above each variable resistant weights Rank order for arm circumduction speed shows weight lifter, Judo, Volley ball, physical Education-major, General study, and also to see that the between fatest of weight lifter and dullest Group of General study was statistically P<0.001 Significant level, Above all it may be conclud that weight lifting training, of which effects great value upon shortening tinge of enduring muscular Contraction speed.
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A study on relationship between simple reaction time and discrimination reaction time upon various sports player 자연과학편 : 전신반응시간(全身反應時間)에 있어서의 Sports종목별(種目別)로 본 단순반응시간(單純反應時間)과 선택반응시간(選擇反應時間)의 관계(關係)에 관한 연구(硏究)
18(0) 135-142, 1979
A study on relationship between simple reaction time and discrimination reaction time upon various sports player 자연과학편 : 전신반응시간(全身反應時間)에 있어서의 Sports종목별(種目別)로 본 단순반응시간(單純反應時間)과 선택반응시간(選擇反應時間)의 관계(關係)에 관한 연구(硏究)
A consideration can be given about nerve faclitatioin speed and muscle contraction speed in a factor which decides Agile in sports, but there isreaction time to determine speed, a kind os Agilmen The Reaction time, which is extended to the time of action from being stimulated, and it contains time required at nerve system and musclorsystem in the said time.
As mentioned above, quickness reaction is needed in all the activities of sports, and good records and scores attained usually depend upon swiftness of reaction time. Particularly track players and players of ball games, can be said that the swiftness and unswiftness in Reaction time greatly influence to their records and scores. Therefore, this study was conducted to research for problems whether excellent players areinvolved in rapid reaction time, or if reaction time of the player are different in reaction time depending upon kinds of sports and how different would it be appeared between simple reaction time and discriminative reaction time etc.
1) Sample for this study were selected total 45 players, each 5 persons from sprinters, midd, and long distant runners, of track and field, tennis, table-tennis, handball, soccer, rugby kendo, judo amoung excellent male students in the Deportment of physical Education, Chukyo College, Japan, while five students from general study who had no experienced sports at all among these in the Department of Commerce of the college were extractedat random, and the test was done at Athletic Physiology Laboratory of Chukyo College.
2) These students who were attached with an electrode each at inside calf standing on force plate, were enabled to respond as soon as possible at a moment when they would be stimulated by light stimulating beard of 3 meters sheath. EMG and press curve obtained by muscle discharge were extracted bydata recorderphoto recorder, and then the extracted data were measured by slide caliper, and bodyreaction time was calculated by msec unit.
3) Simple reaction time was calculated with an average of remained 10 Trials by delating the highest value and the lowest value in the body reaction time in 12 trials reaction, and discrimination response time, which attempted to response 12 trials similar with simple reaction time by random in 40 trials and then the average of 10 trials were calculated by the highest value and the lowest valueof the body reaction time.
1) By the kinds of sports, simple reaction time was found that the group of track players were generally 36. 17msec faster than group of players of other sports and also 58. 5msec faster than general study student groups. Furthermore, discrimination reaction time showed that the group of track players sppeared 51.8msec than other player group, and around 59.0 msec faster than general study student groups.
2) Generally it was presumed that handball, soccer and rugby players group in ball play migh be faster in discrimination response time, but the result of this experiment indicated that theft were around 35.3 msec slower in comparison wish that of track players and that a group of players using rackets were around 60,5 msec slower.
3) Meanwhile, body reaction time of general study student groups was appeared faster than tennis player group though they were slow much or lessin comparison with a group of sport players.
4) All subjects showed no any difference in nerve ficilitation time in this test, but we can see a factthat long and short results in hide can be determined the long short in body reaction time.
5) Also it was found that nerve facilitation time of response to selected conditions rather than single conditions was responded delayed in reaction time.
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“KINETIC ANALYSIS OF AERIAL MOTION IN STANDING BROAD JUMP” 자연과학편 : 제자리 넓이뛰기 공중동작(空中動作)의 역학적분석(力學的分析)
18(0) 143-152, 1979
“KINETIC ANALYSIS OF AERIAL MOTION IN STANDING BROAD JUMP” 자연과학편 : 제자리 넓이뛰기 공중동작(空中動作)의 역학적분석(力學的分析)
The purpose of this study was to analysis the aerial motion of the standing broad jump with kinetic method.
Neon tube was stuck examinees Ankle, Knee, Waist, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Head it flickers at the intervals of 0.05 sec when the examinee takes aerial motion of the Standing Broad Jump.
Each neon tube on each part of body draws a locus. And then took a photograph of aerial motion of the Standing broad jump in the dark room with camera at the angle of ninth degrees, keeping, 6.5m from the right side of examinees with the height of one meter above the ground.
The center of gravity was found by drawing figure method in locus of 7 parts.
The results were as follows:
1. At moving Center of gravity Sub. A is longer Distance 2.1cm (P<0.05), Horizontal distance 1.9cm, Height 0.7cm, fatter Horizontal velocity 0.38m/see, Resultant velocity 4.1m/sec (p<0.701), Vertical velocity 0.15m/sec, and more consul Force 455 Newton, Power 3.13 h.p. than Sub. B.
2. Sub. A shortened title of flexion which follows hyperextension of the Head & the Upper part of the body.
Arm motion utilized the power of fast down ward swing after jumping as extending it over head.
After taking off, Knee has flexed and extend, and again flexed closing. to landing. Sub. A is considered that it has fine record than. Sub. B. since Sub. A. has made above aerial motion.
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Cinematographical Analytical Prestudy of Tuck front Somersault Motion on a trampoline 자연과학편 : Trampoline에 있어서 Tuck front Somersault동작(動作) 영상분석(映像分析)의 기초실험(基礎實驗) 보고(報告)
18(0) 153-163, 1979
Cinematographical Analytical Prestudy of Tuck front Somersault Motion on a trampoline 자연과학편 : Trampoline에 있어서 Tuck front Somersault동작(動作) 영상분석(映像分析)의 기초실험(基礎實驗) 보고(報告)
This study was to make a cinematogrphical analysis on tuck front somersault motion of Trampoliners. The tuck front somersault motion is a basic and important in a trampoline. The main purpose of this study was to obtain model and information pertaining to the tuck front somersault motion on the trampoline. The subject of this study was focused on the fact-finding of the concrete physical difference between the two body controlling methods in tuck front somersault, namely, not-front-transfer acting (sub-A and Sub-a’) and front-transfer acting (Sub-B and Sub-b’). To this end the writer has selected four male trampoliners from the S.K. K University, two trampoliners of whom he thought to belong to the highily skilled performers (Sub-A and Sub-B : exprience; 5 years) and the other two to the poorly skilled performers (Sub-a’ and Sub-b’ exprience; 1 year) by each subjecters were recorded with a 16mm motion picture camera with speed of 64 frame per second at located of horizontal view.
The results of this study were summarized as follows;
Data of experiment
1. As for the angle of waist at bed up in tuck front somersault motion; Sub-A; 140˚ Sub-B; 140˚ Sub-a’; Sub-b’; 124˚
2. As for the angle of waist position from vertical line at bed up in tuck front somersault mation; Sub-A; 6˚ Sub-B; 2˚ Sub-a’; 9˚ Sub-b’; 4˚
3. In height of vertical distance of Jump, the highly skilled group was higher than the poorly Skilled group.
4. Concerning the flying time (frombed up till bed Down), the highly skilled group stayed longer than the poorly skilled group.
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A Biomechanical Research on Javelin Throw -based on data obtained at the 2nd National Inter-Collegiate Track & Field Championship and Open Recognition Games of Excellent Players- 자연과학편 : 투창(投槍)의 신체운동학적(身體運動學的) 연구(硏究) -제(第)2회(回) 전국대학대항(全國大學對抗) 육상경기대회(陸上競技大會) 및 공인기록(公認記錄)의 우수선수(優秀選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
金相九SangKuKim , 金承喆SeungChulKim
18(0) 165-177, 1979
A Biomechanical Research on Javelin Throw -based on data obtained at the 2nd National Inter-Collegiate Track & Field Championship and Open Recognition Games of Excellent Players- 자연과학편 : 투창(投槍)의 신체운동학적(身體運動學的) 연구(硏究) -제(第)2회(回) 전국대학대항(全國大學對抗) 육상경기대회(陸上競技大會) 및 공인기록(公認記錄)의 우수선수(優秀選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
金相九SangKuKim , 金承喆SeungChulKim
The purpose of this study is to analyse the biomechanical factors in javelin throw. The subjects are selected by players who have record of rack in the upper fifth in the National Inter-Collegiate Track & Field Championship and Open Record Recognition Games of Excellent Players. The results are as follows;
1. As for support-run speed of cross-step, the average record was 6.9m/sec whereas OG alone was 0.99m/sec slower than the average record.
In general, instability was, however, common in their final groundtouch postures.
2. In displacement speed of weight center in cross-step, javelin moved 0.51m/sec faster than body. This resulted from the fact that the swinging motion of javelin was swifter in the last step.
3. Concerning slope angle, the average difference between maximum angle and the angle at the very moment of throw was 29. 1 degrees, which figure proved that the flexibility of waist was rather limited. The most satisfactory performance of as much as 46 degrees was exceptionally recorder by LK, which was 16.9 degrees higher than the average 29.1 degrees.
4. The average slope angle of javelin was 39.2 degrees and this figure is a rather favorable result.
5. The speed of javelin was somewhat slow with average 24.42m/sec, where the records of LK (26.54m/sec) and NH (26.71m/sec) were 2.12m/sec respectively showing higher figures than the average. These records were, however, inferior to those of foreign players.
6. The final step at the time of throwing the javelin was located average 1.05m short of the foul line, a pure loss in record which would otherwise have been avoidable. This loss was as much as 2.17m that decisively effected his standing. This loss arose mainly due to Back of cross-step exercises.
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자연과학편 : 유도훈련(柔道訓練)이 체력변화(體力變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)(Ⅰ) -고교생(高校生)을 중심(中心)으로-
李學來 , 林容圭
18(0) 179-190, 1979
자연과학편 : 유도훈련(柔道訓練)이 체력변화(體力變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)(Ⅰ) -고교생(高校生)을 중심(中心)으로-